Resources - Incarceration
Families are greatly affected by incarceration. We know they seek to understand Canada's correctional system and deal with loneliness, isolation and stigmatization. All this while trying to keep the home running, live, and work as a community member. It's not easy to keep all the balls in the air so we've developed some resources to inform and assist you along this journey.
Time Together
A survival guide for families and friends in Canadian federal prisons.
Coping Over Time
Families show exceptional personal strength and have shared with us their coping strategies and how they have managed their particular circumstances. This brochure offers suggestions and ideas that come from these families. Perhaps these experiences will give you some comfort, hope and even ideas that can help you during your journey
One Step at a Time
Rebuilding life following crime within the family. This resource is for family-victims: those who have been the victim of a crime in which the offender was another member of the family.
Coping Over Time
One Day at a Time
Compiled writings by family members of incarcerated offenders to help new family members cope while their family member is incarcerated.